- 01001 Chip Components
- Micro BGAs 0.3 mm Pitch
- Package on Package / Part on Part (PoP)
- Flex and Rigid Flex Assemblies
- Vapor Phase or Convention Reflow Ovens
EI is a high-mix, low-to-mid volume, flexible manufacturer with capabilities to build highly complex assemblies. We can process assemblies with the latest technologies and produce both lead and RoHS Compliant assemblies.
EI offers a wide range of box build services including full electromechanical assembly, installation of sub-assemblies and components, installation and routing of cables and wire harnesses and final product packaging.
EI offers premolding and overmolding of a wide variety of materials in house utilizing a 25 ton vertical injection molding machine. Overmolding protects circuit boards from environmental concerns while allowing full color customization and streamlining the outer appearance of the finished product. The overmold can incorporate company logos, approvals information and even graphics.